This year, our team once again took part in humedica e.V.’s “Gift with a heart” campaign. At our joint packing party, gifts were packed for children from Eastern Europe. We hope that we were able to bring a little joy to the children with our gifts.
Category Archives: Umwelt & Soziales
SPHEREA is certified according to the quality management system DIN EN ISO 9001, EN 9100 and the international environmental management standard ISO14001. We also take into account the requirements of AQAP and the railway quality management system ISO/TS 22163.
Corporate responsibility and sustainability for partners and suppliers
As part of its corporate responsibility, SPHEREA is committed to placing legal and ethical obligations at the heart of its business activities and to fulfilling these beyond the legal framework. Although the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act does not apply to Spherea due to the size of the company, we want to use it to our advantage. In order to meet the high standards, the relationship between SPHEREA and its partners and suppliers plays a key role. SPHEREA requires that partners and suppliers, as well as all those involved in the entire supply chain, comply with all regulations and laws of the country in which any kind of business is conducted. SPHEREA ensures this by adhering to the Charter for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability for partners and suppliers.
Working conditions and health protection
We ensure that good working conditions prevail in our modern offices and laboratories. We are also convinced that the application of the collective agreement (metal and electrical industry) ensures very fair, contractual conditions for our employees. This is important to us. In addition to these general conditions, we ensure health protection that goes well beyond the legal minimum requirements: high-quality medical check-up every three years, hotline for the concerns of employees and their relatives, ergonomic advice, psychosomatic advice, company doctor, support at the gym, gymnastics at the workplace, stress training, …
Autism Center
SPHEREA is part of the FIFAA project “Fit for the world of work with autism” of the Autism Center Schwaben. This project supports people with autism in starting their careers. While social communication is a prerequisite in today’s working life, autistic people perceive their surroundings less in terms of social signals and pay more attention to small details. The aim of the project is to enable more autistic people to make a smooth transition from school or training to working life by improving compensation strategies and to support companies in employing autistic people. SPHEREA is convinced that people with autism can also be an asset to the economy. If suitable people are found, we would be happy to be able to offer internships or permanent jobs together with the Autism Center Schwaben.
charitable organization Tafel
SPHEREA supports the charitable organization Tafel with an annual monetary donation. In addition, SPHEREA was able to support the Tafel with a donation of 700 FFP2 mouth and nose protection masks during the Corona pandemic. The Tafel creates a balance between food surpluses and shortages: The volunteers collect high-quality food that would otherwise end up in the trash. These foods are sold in special shops for almost a third of the regular price to those entitled to them, for example to people with small pensions or to people who need social assistance. In addition to food donations, the Tafel stores in Ulm and the Alb-Donau district are also happy to receive donations of time in the form of voluntary support in collecting and selling food or monetary donations.
Christmas cards
Since 2023, we have stopped sending Christmas cards to our customers and partners. The shipping itself is a major burden on the environment. The cards are often decorated with gold or glitter, which makes recycling difficult. Furthermore, the cards are usually thrown away in the new year.
Climate forrest
Together with the municipality of Nersingen, SPHEREA launched a tree planting campaign in October 2021. During this campaign, 1,635 trees were planted on an area of 0.5 hectares. This enables around 6,000 tons of CO2 to be bound per year. This forest also offers protection for wild animals and insects gain habitat.
Flower field
In cooperation with a farmer in Unterfahlheim, Neu-Ulm district, SPHEREA has leased a 4,400 square meter field. A flower meadow will be sown on this field to bind CO2 and at the same time provide food for insects and shelter for animals.
Climate certificates
In cooperation with the Alliance for Development and Climate Foundation, SPHEREA supports various climate certificates that are part of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations Sustainable Development Group (UNSDG). The purchase of these climate certificates will support the following projects: VCS forest project Uruguay, UN CER energy production from hydropower Uganda, UN CER wind project India.