Christmas cards

Since 2023, we have stopped sending Christmas cards to our customers and partners. The shipping itself is a major burden on the environment. The cards are often decorated with gold or glitter, which makes recycling difficult. Furthermore, the cards are usually thrown away in the new year.

Climate forrest

Together with the municipality of Nersingen, SPHEREA launched a tree planting campaign in October 2021. During this campaign, 1,635 trees were planted on an area of ​​0.5 hectares. This enables around 6,000 tons of CO2 to be bound per year. This forest also offers protection for wild animals and insects gain habitat.

Flower field

In cooperation with a farmer in Unterfahlheim, Neu-Ulm district, SPHEREA has leased a 4,400 square meter field. A flower meadow will be sown on this field to bind CO2 and at the same time provide food for insects and shelter for animals.

Climate certificates

In cooperation with the Alliance for Development and Climate Foundation, SPHEREA supports various climate certificates that are part of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations Sustainable Development Group (UNSDG). The purchase of these climate certificates will support the following projects: VCS forest project Uruguay, UN CER energy production from hydropower Uganda, UN CER wind project India.

Job Bike

Spherea has had the Job Bike model since 2023. Here, bicycles can be leased easily and inexpensively through the employer. The bike can also be used privately and is simply billed monthly through the salary.