We exhibit!

We exhibit on the EW Europe 2018 in Lausanne. Visit us on our booth B26!

The 23rd edition of AOC Electronic Warfare Europe will take place at the Congrès Beaulieu in Lausanne, Switzerland. The exhibition and conference will take place on 5th-7th June 2018. This is an unclassified truly-global EW networking opportunity, exhibition, workshop and conference.

We exhibited at the Railway Forum

The Railway Forum is after the INNOTRANS the most important networking event for railway industry in Germany. Sponsored by Deutsche Bahn all major players in the German railway market participated. The event is a combination of an exhibition, a forum, workshops and facilitated networking. The participants are decision takers and top managers. Spherea contriubuted with a booth presenting ATEC Dyna, U-TEST and Lille project. We had the chance to use the personal contact through the Railway Forum to create a basis for good cooperation.

Railway Forum 2017: Visit our booth!

Visit our booth at the Railway Forum on 30th and 31st August 2017 in Berlin. We are specified on customer specific test solutions for safety critical systems and keep the systems reliable, operational and safe. We show you on our booth the ATEC® Dyna Series, a test system for optimizing production and improve the test …

We exhibit on the SENSOR+TEST 2017

SPHEREA @ Halle 1 Stand 667
SENSOR + TEST is the worldwide leading forum for sensoric, measurement and testing technology.

SENSOR+TEST isn’t just the measurement fair – it is one of the major international scientific forums for sensorics, measuring and testing technologies where researchers and other professionals from all over the world meet to discuss new technologies and the latest processes.

The 2017 trade fair with its 586 exhibitors from 32 nations imposingly presented the entire spectrum of measuring and testing system expertise from sensors to computers.

A 50-year history in the service of the most ambitious aviation programs have enabled SPHEREA to develop unequaled expertise in critical electronic system testing. This knowledge transfers SPHEREA successfully to other sectors like railways, industry and space.

Sensorics, measuring and testing technologies are the core businesses of SPHEREA GmbH. Get a glance into the world of testing and simulation. Visit us on our booth in hall 1 stand …

SPHEREA GmbH donates for Charity

Christmas is the children´s greatest event which make the kids’ eyes shine. SPHEREA wants to support the smile of these children´s eyes who may not be feeling good. Therefore the employees decided this year again to support the “Drachenkinder” with a donation. We would like to thank you for the great donation in the amount of 3,333 €. After a bazar of old furniture SPHEREA gives further 800€ to the “Drachenkinder”.

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Weihnachten: ein Fest der Freude, das Kinderaugen zum Strahlen bringt. Die SPHEREA GmbH möchte dabei helfen, dass die Augen der Kinder strahlen, denen es sonst nicht so gut geht.

Deshalb haben sich die Mitarbeiter auch in diesem Jahr dazu entschieden, statt der üblichen Weihnachts Give-Aways, die Drachenkinder mit Spenden zu unterstützen. Wir bedanken uns ganz herzlich für die unglaublich großzügige Spende in Höhe von 3.333 €.

Des Weiteren hat die SPHEREA GmbH auf Grund des Firmenumzuges von der Wörthstraße (Airbus Werksgelände) in …

SPHEREA GmbH opens a new location in Plaza Center Ulm

Götz Maier, Managing Director of Südwestmetall in Ulm, praised the company for bounding on collective agreement. This is a clear sign of the appreciation of employees. Heiko Wegert, Chairman of the Workers Council emphasized the good cooperation with the management. As a representative of the city of Ulm, Ulrich Soldner thanked SPHEREA for the long-term commitment in Ulm. A healthy mid-size company is the base for an economic success in Ulm. Jonas Pürckhauer from the IHK (Chamber of Industry and Commerce) in Ulm saw the continuous growth of SPHEREA. This confirms the good conditions for companies in Ulm.

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Bereits vor zwei Jahren hat sich die SPHEREA GmbH aus dem EADS-Konzern ausgegliedert. Nun will sie mit ihrem neuen Firmensitz im Plaza Center im Ulmer Stadtteil Söflingen durchstarten.

Zur Eröffnung des neuen Gebäudes waren rund 120 internationale Gäste der Einladung gefolgt. Im Beisein von mehreren Ehrgästen der Stadt Ulm, des Landtags, des Bundestags, der Industrie- …

A new location for SPHEREA GmbH in Plaza Center Ulm

The successful company SPHEREA GmbH has been separated from the EADS Group two years ago and restarts its business now with new premises at the Plaza Center in Söflingen. To the opening of the new building 120 international guests had followed the invitation. Managing Director Martin Kugelmann: “SPHEREA is very glad to found modern, high-quality offices and laboratories at the Plaza Center in Ulm. With this restart we can get involved long term as a technology company in Ulm.”

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Das erfolgreiche Unternehmen SPHEREA GmbH hat sich vor zwei Jahren aus dem EADS Konzern ausgegliedert und startet nun mit einem neuen Firmensitz im Plaza Center in Söflingen durch. Zur Eröffnung des neuen Gebäudes waren 120 internationale Gäste der Einladung gefolgt. Geschäftsführer Martin Kugelmann: „Die SPHEREA ist sehr froh, im Plaza Center in Ulm moderne und hochwertige Büro- und Laborflächen gefunden zu haben. Damit können wir uns als Technologieunternehmen langfristig in Ulm engagieren.“

Im Beisein …

Ulmer develops the Super-Nose

30 times more sensitive than a dog’s nose is the laser detector from SPHEREA. The Airbus spin-off opens not only with this innovation a new chapter. SPHEREA has launched personal growth in Ulm. But engineers are rare. Kugelmann, the Managing Director of SPHEREA in Germany, knows he has to fight for good engineers. And not just with salary. In the new and modern premises for example are free organic drinks and fruits available at the stylish espresso bar.

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30 mal empfindlicher als ein Hunde-Riechorgan ist ein Laser-Detektor der Firma SPHEREA. Die Airbus-Ausgliederung schlägt nicht nur damit ein neues Kapitel auf.

Der Spürhund hat schon bald ausgedient. Zumindest, wenn es nach Martin Kugelmann, dem Geschäftsführer der Ulmer Firma SPHEREA geht. Schon in einem Jahr will das junge Unternehmen mit einem Super-Detektor auf den Markt gehen: Ein neuartiges Ionen-Spektrometer, das 30 mal empfindlicher als eine Hundenase ist. Das mobile Gerät, das später einmal die Größe …