Collaboration agreement of Spherea & Elettronica

During the AOC EW Europe Show in Stockholm, Elettronica and Spherea signed an agreement for a collaboration on EW test solutions for ESM/RWR suites installed on helicopters. With reference to the German NH90 Navy helicopter program, Elettronica is proposing its Radar Warning Receiver ELT/160, already selected by Italian Army and Italian Navy for their TTH fleet, Spherea supplies end-to-end test solutions to be used directly on the platform. Working together shall lead to added value for armed forces, in a first step for Germany and afterwards for other Nations interested in such testers, too. Elettronica and Spherea are intended to offer to BAAINBw a study in order to analyze the best technical solution for testing the ESM suite of the NH90 Navy.

We are exhibiting at EW Europe in Stockholm!

Visit us on our booth A5 and get a glance into the world of testing!

For more than 50 years, customized test solutions from Spherea are part of aviation and military programs. Whether for airborne or land-based platforms, these test solutions create confidence, where it is needed most. With our knowhow, we accept the challenge to test critical, complex systems, which save lives.

We say
thank you!

The year is drawing to a close. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the trust you have placed in us and the valuable cooperation. We wish you a joyful end of the year and a healthy and successful start in 2019.

Impressions of
InnoTrans 2018 in Berlin

Thank you very much for the huge number of visitors on our booth at InnoTrans 2018 in Berlin. We have had a successful exhibition and a good time. Many interesting and instructive conversations. We are looking forward to InnoTrans 2020.

Thank you TOM SPIKE for the video

Source: TOM SPIKE – Structured innovation

German Excellence Price in Bronze for Spherea

We were awarded by the initiative Ludwig-Erhard-Preis e.V. (ILEP) with the German Ludwig Erhard Excellence award in bronze for entrepreneurial excellence.

Experienced assessors of ILEP were able to convince themselves during an intensive assessment especially of professional project management in complex, international projects as well as a high employee and customer orientation of Spherea. The strategy is consistently implemented in target oriented processes. “All employees are involved in the definition of the company and process targets. The high involvement of employees leads to a high identification and implementation strength, which distinguishes us positively from other medium-sized companies.” says Martin Kugelmann, the Managing Director of Spherea GmbH. “This is not only important for the satisfaction of employees, it also leads to a holistic high quality and customer satisfaction.”

To develop the company continuously, the management team of Spherea GmbH is looking for the exchange with other companies in the field of innovation, technology and management systems.

Decoupled from the mother ship

How a medium-sized electronics company has been hived off agilely

Agility or viabillity wirthin a business management system devellops when the systemr faces a real challenge. For example the successful devellopment and management of a new company but also the achievement of firnancila  results.
One young electronics company understood that certification alone will not give rise to a viable QM system and decided on an agile business management system.

Elmar Zeller and Martin Kugelmann

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