News archive
Rösch Consult Group GmbH and Sachverständigenbüro Prof. Rösch GmbH as well as Spherea GmbH have concluded agreements on cooperation in several areas at the 8th Railway Forum in Berlin. A guideline, which was also published at the Railway Forum, will show maintenance companies for rail-bound vehicles how automated, digital test solutions can be introduced pragmatically and with reasonable effort in compliance with the regulatory requirements of the 4th Railway Package of the EU. In addition, both companies will in future push forward innovative solutions for testing brakes, in which pneumatic pressures as well as mechanical forces and their course curves are measured and compared in order to obtain a statement on the condition of the brakes. Continue reading “New partnership with Rösch Consult Group GmbH & Rösch GmbH”
The Rösch Consult Group consists of a hand-picked team of competent engineers, consultants and testers. Their services include consulting and engineering services, conformity assessments as well as expert services.
Spherea GmbH, part of the Spherea Group, is …
Martin Kugelmann was appointed to the Senate of the German Economy. He represents Spherea GmbH as a senator in the senate. The certificate of appointment was overhanded at the annual convention of the Senate on 30 November at the Maximilianeum (Bavarian Parliament) in Munich by the President of the Senate of Economics, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Franz Josef Radermacher. The Senate of the Economy is composed of personalities from business, science and society who are particularly aware of their responsibility towards the state and society. Together, they contribute to the practical implementation of the common good-oriented goals of sustainability in the sense of the eco-social market economy. The Senate of Economics thus revives the traditional idea of the senates in ancient times. A balanced circle of friends of independent spirit followed the common good instead of solely particular interests. The Senate of Economics is purely oriented towards the common good and is in constant dialogue … Continue reading “Appointment to the Senate of the German Economy”
Source: TOM SPIKE – Structured innovation
Götz Maier, Managing Director of Südwestmetall in Ulm, praised the company for bounding on collective agreement. This is a clear sign of the appreciation of employees. Heiko Wegert, Chairman of the Workers Council emphasized the good cooperation with the management. As a representative of the city of Ulm, Ulrich Soldner thanked SPHEREA for the long-term commitment in Ulm. A healthy mid-size company is the base for an economic success in Ulm. Jonas Pürckhauer from the IHK (Chamber of Industry and Commerce) in Ulm saw the continuous growth of SPHEREA. This confirms the good conditions for companies in Ulm. Original text Bereits vor zwei Jahren hat sich die SPHEREA GmbH aus dem EADS-Konzern ausgegliedert. Nun will sie mit ihrem neuen Firmensitz im Plaza Center im Ulmer Stadtteil Söflingen durchstarten. Zur Eröffnung des neuen Gebäudes waren rund 120 internationale Gäste der Einladung gefolgt. Im Beisein von mehreren Ehrgästen der Stadt Ulm, des Landtags, des Bundestags, der Industrie- … Continue reading “SPHEREA GmbH opens a new location in Plaza Center Ulm”
The successful company SPHEREA GmbH has been separated from the EADS Group two years ago and restarts its business now with new premises at the Plaza Center in Söflingen. To the opening of the new building 120 international guests had followed the invitation. Managing Director Martin Kugelmann: “SPHEREA is very glad to found modern, high-quality offices and laboratories at the Plaza Center in Ulm. With this restart we can get involved long term as a technology company in Ulm.” Original text Das erfolgreiche Unternehmen SPHEREA GmbH hat sich vor zwei Jahren aus dem EADS Konzern ausgegliedert und startet nun mit einem neuen Firmensitz im Plaza Center in Söflingen durch. Zur Eröffnung des neuen Gebäudes waren 120 internationale Gäste der Einladung gefolgt. Geschäftsführer Martin Kugelmann: „Die SPHEREA ist sehr froh, im Plaza Center in Ulm moderne und hochwertige Büro- und Laborflächen gefunden zu haben. Damit können wir uns als Technologieunternehmen langfristig in Ulm engagieren.“ Im Beisein … Continue reading “A new location for SPHEREA GmbH in Plaza Center Ulm”
EW Europe is the key event for the Electronic Warfare community. It provides a unique platform to view the latest equipment and systems from the world’s defence industry Electronic Warfare Europe show is a central event for all key players in the EW sector, gathering companies from all around the world. Last time it took place in Rotterdam on 10th till 12th of May 2016. Electronic Warfare covers a huge field of military activities which purpose is mainly to intercept and blur the information exchanged on the enemy’s communication links. It also includes self-protection, standoff, escort jamming, and antiradiation attacks. SPHEREA has a considerable experience in the EW market but this know-how was gained as SPHEREA was still known under Cassidian Test & Services name. It was therefore necessary for us to communicate under our new name in order to remind that we are still present as electronic warfare equipment provider with significant references related … Continue reading “SPHEREA Germany at EW Europe in Rotterdam”
The company SPHEREA has emerged from the Airbus Group – 25 employees in Ulm After the handover of the filed camp in Kundus, German soldiers in north Afghanistan are only stationed at Camp Marmal. With the helicopter type NH90, injured persons were taken to a safe place. This means landings on the battlefields, on unknown terrain, perhaps under the bombardment of insurgents. The reassuring for the pilots: The ten-ton high-tech helicopter is equipped with a self-protection system. This system ejects automatically “decoys” during an attack, which distract the rockets. Ulmer engineers are responsible for the fact that this system works in case of an emergency. Original text Die Firma SPHEREA ist aus dem Luftfahrtkonzern Airbus hervorgegangen – 25 Mitarbeiter in Ulm Ulm heo Masar-i Scharif vor zwei Jahren. Nach der Übergabe des Feldlagers in Kundus sind deutsche Soldaten im Norden Afghanistans nur noch im Camp Marmal stationiert. Mit dem Hubschrauber des Typs NH 90 werden … Continue reading “Engineers from Ulm protect helicopters from rockets”
The member of German parliament of CDU/CSU-fraction Ronja Schmitt get, during her visit, a glance in a young company, the SPHEREA GmbH. This company was carved out in July last year of the Airbus Defence and Space. They develop and produce test systems not only for aerospace and defence, but also for transportation and industry sectors. Original text Bei ihrem Besuch bekam die Bundestagsabgeordnete der CDU/CSU-Fraktion Ronja Schmitt Einblick in ein junges Unternehmen, die SPHEREA GmbH. Diese wurde im Juli letzten Jahres ausgegliedert aus der Airbus Defence and Space. Sie entwickelt und produziert Testgeräte und Testsysteme nicht nur in der Luft- und Verteidigungstechnik, sondern auch für den Bereich Transportwesen und Industrietechnik. „Die Mitarbeiter schätzen es, im internationalen Umfeld die eigene Firma mitzugestalten und für unsere Kunden insbesondere im Luftfahrtbereich anspruchsvolle Testgeräte zu liefern“, sagte Martin Kugelmann, Geschäftsführer der SPHEREA GmbH, beim heutigen Besuch. Die Bundestagsabgeordnete Ronja Schmitt betonte bei ihrem Besuch, dass es ihr … Continue reading “Bundestagsabgeordnete Ronja Schmitt visits SPHEREA GmbH”