
SPHEREA is certified according to the quality management system DIN EN ISO 9001, EN 9100 and the international environmental management standard ISO14001. We also take into account the requirements of AQAP and the railway quality management system ISO/TS 22163.

Corporate responsibility and sustainability for partners and suppliers

As part of its corporate responsibility, SPHEREA is committed to placing legal and ethical obligations at the heart of its business activities and to fulfilling these beyond the legal framework. Although the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act does not apply to Spherea due to the size of the company, we want to use it to our advantage. In order to meet the high standards, the relationship between SPHEREA and its partners and suppliers plays a key role. SPHEREA requires that partners and suppliers, as well as all those involved in the entire supply chain, comply with all regulations and laws of the country in which any kind of business is conducted. SPHEREA ensures this by adhering to the Charter for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability for partners and suppliers.

Complaint mechanism

Don’t look away – Spherea has had a complaints procedure in place since 2023. Complaints about violations of human rights or environmental aspects at Spherea and along the entire supply chain can be reported easily and anonymously via our website. Other channels are available by phone, email or post.

Cooperation with Universities and Schools

Spherea is always interested in working with universities and schools. We regularly offer excursions where we introduce ourselves as a company. Depending on the area of ​​interest, this can include engineering activities, sustainability or even business management. In 2023, we will support a local school financially with a measuring device and the associated know-how.

5 stars for Spherea

The Ludwig Erhard Prize initiative awarded Spherea 5 stars. The Ludwig Erhard Prize is the national award for excellence of companies and organizations in Germany and is awarded annually for top performance in the German economy.

Values and DNA workshop

On Monday we had a workshop to revise our values and DNA, every Spherean was invited to participate.

As a team, we critically analyzed and re-evaluated Spherea’s values. It was an opportunity to review the fundamentals of our company and make sure they reflect our current vision and mission. We have defined new important values for ourselves that reflect the diversity and dynamic of Spherea’s culture. We have also said goodbye to outdated values.