Your strengths in focus
Become an engineer
A day as an engineer
At this point, videos are provided that show insights into the work of Spherea. Because these videos are hosted on YouTube and you have not consented to the use of these cookies, these videos will not be displayed to you. If you still want to see the videos, please give us your consent to set the cookies required by Google YouTube. The required cookies are summarized in the “Analytics & Third-Party” category.
Your tasks as an engineer
At this point, videos are provided that show insights into the work of Spherea. Because these videos are hosted on YouTube and you have not consented to the use of these cookies, these videos will not be displayed to you. If you still want to see the videos, please give us your consent to set the cookies required by Google YouTube. The required cookies are summarized in the “Analytics & Third-Party” category.
Cooperation with other departments
At this point, videos are provided that show insights into the work of Spherea. Because these videos are hosted on YouTube and you have not consented to the use of these cookies, these videos will not be displayed to you. If you still want to see the videos, please give us your consent to set the cookies required by Google YouTube. The required cookies are summarized in the “Analytics & Third-Party” category.
At this point, videos are provided that show insights into the work of Spherea. Because these videos are hosted on YouTube and you have not consented to the use of these cookies, these videos will not be displayed to you. If you still want to see the videos, please give us your consent to set the cookies required by Google YouTube. The required cookies are summarized in the “Analytics & Third-Party” category.
Trial work day
Still not sure if SPHEREA is the right company for you? Then take a look over the shoulder of a colleague and get to know SPHEREA during a non-binding trial work day. Simply contact us at
We offer our employees a number of benefits!
Interested in furthering your career? Do not hesitate to apply! Send your CV with a photo, a cover letter and relevant academic records to Please do not forget to state your salary expectations and your earliest possible starting date. Our HR department is looking forward to receive your application (please send only PDF and JPG files).

Nathalie Ott
Human Resources
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Magirus-Deutz-Straße 13
89077 Ulm
Tel.: 0731 17630-0