Faster commissioning through
Simulation of vehicle parts
Twin Train-Single Car
Product Description
Direct testing and commissioning of the vehicle part/single car after completion – independent of the availability of further vehicle parts or the complete train.
With the TwinTrain-Single Car, commissioning can be started directly after completion of a single car. The availability of the individual cars of the complete vehicle is irrelevant. Possible faults are detected early in the production or maintenance process and can be corrected directly. The duration of commissioning at vehicle level is thus shortened. For this purpose, the TwinTrain-Single Car is connected to the electrical and electronic interfaces of the single car and simulates the other railcar parts. With the TwinTrain-Single Car, functional tests can be carried out directly on single car level.

- Shortening of commissioning
- Early detection of production defects
- Early detection of vehicle faults as incoming goods inspection during maintenance
- Faster delivery of vehicles due to higher cycle rate
Field of application
- Production
- Commissioning
- Maintenance